
The Trasure Island

Who wrote thousands of poems, 
Millions of verses on my county Sri-Lanka,
Who said it's the pearl of Indian Ocean,
What did he mean?
Shining and small,
another poet names it treasure Island,
All these famous poets were from England.
Where they confused with astonishment?
Did they love it?
Robert Nocks who born in England lived here
        Until he passed away.
The history of my country stretches
back over more than two thousand years,
Ancient cities shows the talent of our all relatives,
They are really world famous artists,
Beautiful hill country full of blue-colored
        cold mountains,
cold water falls-beautiful rivers and golden beaches,
How wonderful is its scenic beauty,
Rich in natural beauty
I'm too tired, how can I finish with mere words
of the prosperity and pride of my country SRI-LANKA,
Exactly it is a dream!
When all I can do is HONOR it GREATLY.