



Created by Pansuja Ilahagamage

Who wrote thousands of poems about my Country.....Who said it's the pearl of Indian Ocean........What did he mean?                 Who wrote thousands of poems about my Country.....Who said it's the pearl of Indian Ocean........What did he mean?

The city is an important fueling station on the Indian Ocean. Colombo’s most prominent industries include the manufacturing of metal goods, the refining of petroleum, and the production of motor vehicles. Large cargoes of tea, rubber, and cocoa are exported from the city. The city is also an important transport centre for the island. Although nearby Sri Jaywardanapura is capital of Sri Lanka, Colombo is the commercial centre of the country. The main government and business section of the city, called the Fort, was once a fortified area and its broad avenues and modern skyline contrast sharply with the narrow, winding streets and colourful bazaars of the old Pettah quarter. The urban architecture reflects the mixture of Moorish, Portuguese, Dutch, and British influences that have shaped the city’s history throughout the centuries. Buddhist temples, Muslim mosques, , and Christian churches stand side by side in some places.

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Sri-Lanka is the one of most beautiful Countries in the entire world. People called it the pearl of Indian Ocean because of it's amazing nature. The commercial importance of Colombo is the result of its great breakwaters, which give shelter to a large, artificially created harbour near the mouth of the Kelani Ganga River. Beira Lake is connected to the harbour by a canal and locks. Colombo is positioned on the west coast of the island of Sri Lanka, and it handles most of the country’s foreign trade.

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